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Reduce Stress And Enjoy The Holidays Like Never Before

By: Grace Lindsey, BA, Certified Life Coach

As magical as the holiday season can be, it can also be stress inducing, triggering and overwhelming. We often have high expectations of what it “should” be like and put pressure on ourselves to make it so. From buying everyone meaningful gifts, to the family member with the same questions every year, to feeling lonely in a room full of people, the holiday season is uniquely complex for many.

How can we ‘de-stress’ our approach this year and bring more joy?

First, let’s start with letting go of whatever image and expectation you have of the holidays. Suffering and internal conflict occur when reality differs from our original blueprint. Try letting go of any and all expectations, radically accept an element of chaos, and see how you show up to this year’s holiday event. Acceptance is a surprisingly powerful tool when it comes to stress and our emotions.

Secondly, adopt an approach of gratitude and appreciation. Did you know that being in a state of gratitude on a regular basis starts to re-wire our brains by producing the feel-good chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin? It literally brings calm to our entire nervous system. We may not be able to control what is going on around us, but we can control how we choose to respond. Cultivating a state of gratitude is almost guaranteed to shift your focus and bring you peace in what could be a potentially stressful situation. 

“Yeah, but all of these things are easier said than done.” I hear you say. You are correct. Here are a couple of tips to get you started.

  1. One simple way to change and challenge a feeling or emotion is to interrupt it by asking yourself a question. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, ask yourself this: “Is this something that is within my control?” And if it’s not, I propose you let it go by redirecting your focus onto one small thing you can control. Make a cup of tea, go for a walk, pet the dog, pour a glass of wine, control something else that brings you closer to a calmer and more peaceful state.
  2. Another great question to ask yourself as a negative emotion emerges is, “What could I be grateful for in this moment?” Your answer can be as simple as the coffee you are sipping, to the smile on children’s faces while playing with their new toys. 

In summary, here are my 5 steps to go from overwhelm to joy this holiday season, or any time for that matter…

  1. Get rid of your blueprint – it isn’t serving you anymore.
  2. Radically accept an element of chaos.
  3. Let go of all expectations you have of yourself and the occasion, and have a gratitude mindset.
  4. Take a deep breath, focus on something you can control.
  5. Ask yourself, “what can I be grateful for in this moment?”

And don’t forget to go easy on yourself this year. You deserve it.

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Score Yourself On These Four Pillars Of Clean Living: Part 2

By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND

In part 1 of our Four Pillars Of Clean Living, we covered Real Food (Pillar 1) and Antioxidants (Pillar 2). These benefits are critical for both physical and psychological well-being, as well as overall performance regardless of what you are doing.

We asked you to score yourself on the first two pillars, now it’s time to determine your overall score with the remaining two pillars.

Pillar #3: Find your level of movement 

Parallel to your circulatory system is another system called your lymphatic system. It’s a series of tubes just like blood vessels interspersed with lymph nodes. This is your superhighway for immune cells to travel between sites of infection, and also where most of your immune cells become activated to help protect you. The lymphatic system is also our big sewage system in a sense. It’s where our tissues deposit their waste and end products to be flushed out of our body and eliminated once and for all. 

Unlike our hearts however, the lymphatic system does not have an organ to pump the fluid around. Instead, it uses our movement, the contraction of our muscles, and the bending of joints to move things along. When we stay stagnant, guess what? Our body can’t launch an immune response as quickly, and we get a build up of waste which starts to impair the function of our body and mind.

Movement doesn’t have to be intense to produce the benefits, but if you love hard and intense exercise, that is also great to incorporate especially when guided by experts such as an accredited trainer, physio or chiropractor to keep you safe as you build up. Simple exercises include walking, swimming, yoga, pilates, and tai chi. 

For others movement can be as simple as flexing, stretching any joint area because this also helps squish and pump fluid around. Examples include:

  • Rolling your neck side to side or down and around – lots of lymph nodes in your  neck
  • Circling and then flexing your arms – lymph nodes in your armpits and elbows
  • Body weight squats – lymph nodes in your groin and knees
  • Deep belly breathing – lots of lymph nodes in your abdomen 

Pick a level of movement that is most enjoyable for you to incorporate on a regular basis.

Score yourself out of 10 (1 low, 10 high) on how well you move. ______________

Pillar #4: Create a sleep sanctuary 

While we sleep, your body is not latent. The amount of healing and cleaning up your body and mind undergo while sleeping is tremendous and is the ONLY time for full repair and taking out the garbage. Specifically, deep sleep is when our brains get a deep clean. 

Our brains have a system that becomes active while we sleep called the glymphatic system, a continuation of the lymphatic system. When we sleep, cavernous bins of the glymphatic system open up by 60% and are where the brain tissues can dump all the waste that accumulated throughout the day. 

If we shortchange sleep, we see an accumulation of waste products and toxic proteins in our brains which are associated with cognitive decline, memory impairment and an increased incidence of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers’s. 

One powerful way to protect your sleep is to create a sleep sanctuary in your bedroom. This means the moment you walk into your room, it feels cozy, welcoming and is device free. This is how we can use your environment to trigger better quality of sleep and quicker onset with less interruptions.

A sleep sanctuary is one of the easiest ways to help your sleep, but there are many others. Pick one to practice at a time and as you get stronger with one, and it becomes second nature, layer on the next. Make it enjoyable – do it with others, do it to music, or make a game or checklist so you can satisfyingly check it off daily. 

Score yourself out of 10 (1 low, 10 high) on how well you move. ______________

Now let’s find out how you did overall. Add all of your scores to get a total.

Total Clean Living Score: ____________________

If your total is 30 or above, you are doing well. 20-30 you are average. Below 20 you have an opportunity to make a big difference in the quality of your health. It’s the compounding of these life enhancing routines that truly has the power to alter the trajectory of your health now and for your future!


How not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Dr. Michael Greger

Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams  by Matthew Walker

Zhang N, Jiao S, Jing P. Red Cabbage Rather Than Green Cabbage Increases Stress Resistance and Extends the Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jun 8;10(6):930. doi: 10.3390/antiox10060930. Retrieved from

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Score Yourself On These Four Pillars Of Clean Living: Part 1

By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND

Imagine a clean, smoothly functioning city. The roads are cleared, traffic is flowing, and people are getting to where they need to complete their errands and goals, contributing to a healthier society.

When we talk about clean living we mean cultivating health most of the time so that our systems can thrive and we can perform in life with the mental clarity and energy we need.

We’d like to share four tenants for helping to clear the debris and chaos in our bodies and minds. Too often the mess results from a society and food system that inflames us and distracts us from lifestyle routines that are integral for building good health. 

Before diving into the four steps, we first must understand one of the major root causes for this chronic mess in our bodies. For most of us this comes down to chronic inflammation. We’ve explored this topic in detail in a previous article. We often picture inflammation as an external, visible symptom like when we sprain an ankle or scrape our knee. There is swelling, pain, redness, and loss of function. This kind of momentary inflammation is helpful as it’s a sign that your body is healing and getting extra support. 

There is another kind of inflammation, however, that is not visible from the outside. This is a hidden inflammation which affects a much larger percentage of the population who may look totally fine and healthy on the outside. It’s this hidden inflammation that triggers the messy fires and damaged cities within our bodies.

Now that we know what causes so many of our problems, let’s see how we are doing to prevent it from happening to us.

Pillar  #1: Enjoy more real food more often! 

Real foods are the ones that won’t trigger inflammation and in fact offer an abundance of healing, anti-inflammatory properties. These are foods that don’t come in a package. No package, no problem, enjoy as much as you want. These foods are literally the best products in grocery stores, and they are humble about it to boot. No bragging necessary, no fancy packages or flashy marketing taglines. When you’re the best, it’s up to the informed ones to find them and reap the benefits. Carrots, bananas, celery, oranges, star fruit, asparagus, and many, many more.

Score yourself out of 10 (1 low, 10 high) on how well you eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables. ______________

Pillar # 2: Antioxidant boosters daily

Antioxidant rich foods can be found by following the richest, deepest, most vibrant colours. Berries, green leafy vegetables and your herbs and spices are amongst the heaviest hitters when it comes to putting out the fires 

Berries are second only to herbs & spices as the most powerful antioxidant food category. They offer ten times more firefighting power than other fruits & vegetables (and 50x’s more than animal-based foods). They taste great and may help you live longer?! Therefore we want to move your sweet tooth to fruit where it should be more often. 

  • Greens = most anti-inflammatory vegetables
  • Berries = most anti-inflammatory fruits (amla is the highest berry, blackberry is the highest common berry) 
  • Red vs. white onion? Red has more antioxidants than white, yellow is inbetween
  • Purple cabbage or green? Purple 8 x’s more antioxidants

Pink grapefruit vs. regular , granny smith or red delicious, iceberg vs. romaine, red grapes or green, yellow corn vs. white?  White eggplant vs. purple? Same if you peel off the skin, but if you keep the skin then it’s purple! Never peel the skin off apples, eggplants, etc. Just make sure you scrub them well.  

You can make the best choices all on your own now that you know to follow the colours. If you want more ideas, check out the different options in this ranking.

Score yourself out of 10 (1 low, 10 high) on how well you boost antioxidants. ______________

Total the two scores to give you an idea of how you are doing at the halfway point of our clean living pillars. We’ll cover the other two pillars in the next article.

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Can Your Fitness Handle These Baselines?

By Tim Irvine

There are many ways to be ‘fit’, but general fitness is important for ‘moving as young as possible’ for as long as possible. And it’s not just about moving well when you are over 40. Think about a toddler in a full, deep squat and then that same child as a 10-year-old. They have already lost their ability to squat optimally, and that negative adaptation continues over time.

Dr. Peter Attia is a world-renowned expert on longevity. His research has further proven how important movement and exercise are to many health factors.

When he works with clients, he has several baseline physical tests that he uses to establish objective metrics for a person’s current state is. These measures are all based in science and translate to how healthy someone is. To learn a bit more about how these translate to health, you can watch this video.

So how do you stack up?

Below are some of the assessments that he uses. These should not be looked at as things to go out and try today unless you already have a lot of experience with them. As described, they are meant for a 40-year-old other than the VO2 max. Performing any exercise to a max effort has injury risk, and the last thing I’m trying to suggest here is to go out and push yourself past your tissue limits. It’s all about establishing your baseline. I suggest stopping any of these when you get to the point of ‘wow, this is really hard’. Dead hang and Farmer carry especially.

  • Dead Hang – two minutes
  • 90 degrees at the knee static squat – 2 minutes
  • VO2 max is in the 75th percentile
    • Use this link to determine a submaximal measure of this and then input it into this percentile ranking tool. Farmer carry your body weight for two minutes (75% body weight for women)
  • Farmer carry for two minutes
    • Men – 100% of body weight
    • Women – 75% of body weight

You can incorporate a few others into the mix: vertical jump and deadlifting your body weight ten times. I think it’s safe to say you want to be in the 75th percentile or higher for vertical. Age-related norms for vertical can be seen here, but they are reported in centimetres.

Enjoy the challenge these tests provide but do so safely.

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Is your sleep increasing or decreasing information

By Tim Irvine

Everyone loves a good night’s sleep. The feeling we get is almost euphoric when it happens, so why wouldn’t we love it? Besides the conscious happiness we have with good sleep, so many subconscious, biochemical benefits help our health over the short and long term.

We have also come to understand the evidence linking inflammation to poor health is conclusive. Knowing what causes inflammation is critical if we want to avoid various forms of the disease, poor mental health, and an inability for injuries to heal well. That’s where the quality of our sleep comes in.

Is there a link between sleep and inflammation? You bet there is.

A recent Harvard Health article examines the effect of poor sleep on inflammation. Sleep deprivation, particularly that of deep sleep, leads to increases in inflammation for several reasons:

  • An increase in inflammatory molecules within the body
  • Cells in blood vessel walls that activate inflammation are triggered because blood pressure does not decline as it would with proper sleep
  • A build-up of protein in the brain creates inflammation

Twenty-five percent of Canadians suffer from sleep issues that prevent them from getting the quality sleep they need. Then there is the portion that doesn’t know they have issues. This means a good percentage of our population is not getting adequate sleep and are therefore prone to health-damaging inflammation.

If you have trouble getting to or staying asleep, you have a more concerning form of sleep deprivation. If you fall asleep easily and sleep through the night, that’s good. If you do so but sleep less than 7 hours, you may not get enough quality cycles in, which can lead to inflammation build-up.

Getting an understanding of your unique sleep patterns is important. After all, knowledge is power. If you are certain you have a sleep issue, consult a medical professional specializing in sleep. If you are uncertain and curious, do the same, or you can turn to sleep measurement devices like an Oura Ring to gain some valuable data. I am a perfect example of how objective data can be of benefit. I consistently had seven hours from lights out to my alarm going off but using one of these devices; I found out I was not getting the cycles of deep sleep I needed. I added a full hour to my sleep pattern and have felt much better.

Add this knowledge and habit to your anti-inflammatory toolbox, and you will experience immediate and long-term benefits. You will be happy you did.

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Eating Locally: Embracing Seasonal Foods

By Dr. Tamara Kung, ND

Eating locally is considered to mean food that has come within a 150 mile or 240 km radius. In contrast, the average produce can travel as far as 1,500 miles (2,415 km) which costs a larger carbon footprint. 

For sustainability reasons, many people are opting for locally grown produce. But what may keep local foods on the radar, and part of a regular practice are some of the deliciously big benefits. 

Nutrition Content:

Most foods that you find at a farmer’s market would have been picked within 24 hours of you purchasing it. This is important regarding the nutrient density of foods as once food is separated from its source of nourishment; the quality of nutrition begins to degrade. So, when we are eating blueberries for their antioxidant properties, they are at their most powerful anti-inflammatory abilities shortly after being picked.. 

Satisfaction Factor:

Foods are way more delicious when picked at their peak ripeness. The flavours and the aroma of freshly picked foods have much more depth and intensity than a food that’s been withering away for weeks. This is the experience when you pick herbs fresh from the garden and its smells delightfully fill the room as you prepare it.  


Eating locally opens up your repertoire to seasonal produce andadds variety to what you’d normally put into your basket. You may see colour variations like purple cauliflower or realize that squashes are piling up at the front of the produce sections. This helps prompt you to diversify your diet which is half of the equation of what it means to eat healthily.


When you eat locally, you have more opportunities to meet and connect with the growers or distributors of your food. You get to see the actual supply chain from which your food is being delivered to you and that can build a sense of trust and pride in the quality of your foods. Sparking up conversations on variety, flavour, location are all great topics to dive into with your fellow shoppers, growers and sellers. 

Seasonal Spotlight: 

Beets reach their peak sweetness during the cooler months of fall and spring, and provide a visual pop to any dish. It can be as simple as raw and grated with your meals, roasted with salads, made into curries, or for the cooks out there, into a beautiful lasagna. 

Three types of beets

1. Red = rich and earthy great for roasting, grating raw, pickling

2. Candy Cane = crunch & sweet great raw

3. Golden = mild and starchy great for roasting, grilling, steaming

Pro Beet Tips:

• Selection: Choose smooth, firm medium-sized beets (giant ones can be more bitter)

• Storage: in a cool dry cellar for months, or the fridge for weeks. Trim off beet greens (see next tip) because the greens quicken the root rot

• Beet Greens: part of the spinach and swiss chard family, trim them 1 inch from the root and enjoy in any way you would spinach or chard. Examples include tossed in salads, stir fried with garlic, olive oil & lemon, folded into pasta dishes, simmered with stews, soups and curries. 

• Lock in the colour: cook unpeeled (use a vegetable brush to scrub the edible skin), peel and slice just before serving

Beet Recipe Inspirations: 

• Sliced in arugula salads, with roasted pecans, pear, goat cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 

• Sri Lankan Beetroot curry

• Rainbow lasagna 

Cappelli, Lucio, Ascenzo, Fabrizio D, Ruggieri, Roberto & Gorelova, Irina (2022). “Is Buying Local Food a Sustainable Practice? A Scoping Review of Consumers’ Preference for Local Food.” Sustainability, 14(2).10.3390/su14020772

Frieler, B. (2017, May 1). 10 benefits of eating local food. Bastyr University. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from…

Honeycutt, E. (2017, December 21). Why buy local food? it’s healthier for you and better for the environment. Food Revolution Network. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from

Rather, I. A., Koh, W. Y., Paek, W. K., & Lim, J. (2017, November 17). The sources of chemical contaminants in food and their health implications. Frontiers in pharmacology. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from

Wunderlich, S. M., Feldman, C., Kane, S., & Hazhin, T. (2008, February). Nutritional quality of organic, conventional, and seasonally grown broccoli using vitamin C as a marker. International journal of food sciences and nutrition. Retrieved March 7, 2022, from

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All Disease Begins in the Gut: Top 3 Foods For Gut Health

Dr. Tamara Kung, ND

The title of this article is in part a direct quote of Socrates, that the root cause of human disease may in fact stem from our gut health. Today’s scientific literature is revealing the “how” and “why” of something that was accurately observed over 2000 years ago. 

We see studies showing that chronic constipation may be linked with Parkinson’s, and that anxiety and depression go hand in hand with gas, bloating and other digestive symptoms. Those with multiple sclerosis, depression, and schizophrenia, show changes in the composition of gut bacteria. 

The microbes that live in our gut outnumber our human cells in a 10:1 ratio. So technically speaking we have more microbe DNA than we do human DNA. That’s worth some perspective. Think about it, we have evolved millions of years that cultivated this symbiotic relationship between human and bacteria. We house these bacteria in our warm, damp gut, where food magically comes down to feed them on a regular basis. They’ve got it so good inside of us! In return, they produce the most potent anti-inflammatory short chain fatty acids which help our body heal, serotonin for our happiness, and they make up 70% of our immune system. (Refer to our article on the importance of reducing inflammation)

Throughout human history we’ve eaten foods that were raw or minimally processed which allowed this relationship to flourish and become an integral foundation for human health. In no time at all, our food made a 180° turn. Most foods now are ultra processed, meaning they lack what previously supported our gut bacteria.

What exactly changed?

  1. Processing removes fiber
  2. Emulsifiers and gums added – understand how they impact our gut here
  3. Fewer ingredients and a lack of diversity

When we think about eating for our gut health, we need to first consider what the healthy bacteria need to grow. Their favourite foods are fiber. Fortunately, fiber comes from every food that grows from the ground! Unfortunately, conversations on nutrition focus in on carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. That’s because these are functional fuel sources for the human cell, but we’ve forgotten that we are also eating for our friendly bacteria as well. When we forget to feed them, they starve off and begin to die leading to reduced abundance and diversity which is associated with many diseases. 

When the population and diversity are re-established, we see positive impacts on health outcomes. For instance, an interesting study done on dark chocolate highlights the therapeutic ability of building a healthy gut. The researchers of this study wanted to differentiate why dark chocolate seemed to help improve people’s mood and lowered anxiety. They also helped define specifically, what type of dark chocolate (70% or 85%), and how much (30g daily for 3 weeks). Their results were illuminating in that dark chocolate had the ability to increase the amount of healthy bacteria DNA found in stool samples, and the diversity of species. 

Thankfully, the most nourishing foods for your gut don’t have to be bran buds and Metamucil. Here are three excellent, gut building sources to start adding or increasing in your diet.

  1. Fermented Foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and kefir
  2. Fibrous foods like every single plant on this planet. Specific superstars are beans/ legumes, seeds, raspberries, broccoli, and oats just to name a few!
  3. Last, but not least, there’s the case for dark chocolate 85% or higher!

So, diversify your meals. It can be just one new type of seed added to your breakfast, sauerkraut with your salads, and dark chocolate as an occasional treat alongside berries and nuts. 

The most important component to eating healthy sustainably is that you enjoy it. Choose flavours and textures that interest you but also support gut health Be open to discovering some new go-to’s, and your gut will thank you for it!

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The Best Goal Setting Approach For Youth Athletes

By. Coach Danny Carrillo

Setting ambitious goals should be encouraged and we should not be afraid of taking a step back to add elements that might seem small but will ultimately make a big impact on achieving what we set out to do!

The concept of using a process oriented approach is based on my own experience, as well as learning from one of my favorite resources, The Language of Coaching by Nick Winkleman.

Goal setting brings purpose to your daily learning environment and ultimately, helps to define what you pay attention to in your surroundings.

Think about the last time you set a goal. Was it a short-term or long-term one? Was it focused on a single aspect of your life (i.e. health, career, personal development, etc.)? Was it focused on the achievement itself?

Odds are your goal fell under one of the following categories, and more likely the latter:

  1. Process- Oriented Goal
  2. Outcome- Oriented Goal

In our daily lives, we tend to set outcome-oriented goals because they can oftentimes feel like they’re easier to measure. For example, losing a certain amount of weight, or lifting a particular amount at the gym. However, I challenge you to start breaking bigger goals down into smaller process goals, so that you feel like you’re making regular, consistent progress. You may be wondering– why would that make a difference? Let me give you an example:

If the goal is to lose or gain 5 lbs and we only focus on a loss or gain as the measurement, we can get disappointed in not seeing progress regularly. Instead, if our goal is to visit the gym for 4 days throughout the week we have more flexibility. Going to the gym is part of the process. That way, the progress towards your goal can be attributed to the consistency of going to the gym, rather than taking drastic, unsustainable measures to hit your desired outcome.

This doesn’t mean timelines aren’t important when pursuing an ambitious goal, but I believe that taking a process-oriented approach makes the journey a lot more enjoyable since it provides you more flexibility on the journey.

These types of goals are also present in the context of strength and conditioning. A process-oriented goal is one that relates to a specific feature of the motor skill being practiced (ex. squatting). Whereas an outcome-oriented goal, is one that focuses on the results of the motor skill practiced (ex. Squatting with the intention of transferring the skill to learning how to jump to catch a ball).

As a coach, it is my responsibility to ensure that the goal/desired outcome my athletes are working towards is appropriate for their current skill level. It is also important to remember that once I have taught the desired skill, I need to take a step back and let my athletes figure things out for themselves in a safe and encouraging environment.

By taking a step back, I allow my athletes to embrace their own process in learning the skill while making sure to provide them the opportunity of becoming more confident in themselves and their abilities!

Ultimately, I believe that it is important to keep yourself accountable, but life happens, and goals may take a bit longer to achieve sometimes and that’s okay! I believe a process-oriented approach can extend to other areas of our lives because it not only lets us achieve everything we set out to do, but it also allows us greater learning opportunities and makes the journey that much sweeter.

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Summer Musts Before Labour Day

Tim Irvine

Summer is never long enough, but if we put our minds to it, we can maximize our enjoyment.

Everyone I know has their favourite things to do in the summer. People who do things they love that bring them joy are healthier.

Here are seven things you should try to get in before the end of the labour day weekend.

  1. Swing in a hammock.
    1. Research is sparse on the benefits of swinging in a hammock so let’s just go with the obvious. It feels great! To have all your weight supported and feel that gentle swing motion is just awesome. And since hammocks are almost always between two trees, you benefit from being below a big green canopy.
  2. Have a three-swim day, including one in the moonlight.
    1. The feeling of dipping or jumping into refreshing water is such a mental reset on a hot day. Doing it three times in one day takes it to another level. The feeling of the water on your skin, the temperature difference, the buoyancy. So many unique feelings to enjoy. You are best to find a lake or ocean for this one, but always have a partner for safety.
  3. Walk in the woods.
    1. There is ample research on the benefits of being in a forest. Time spent in and around trees naturally reduces physical and mental stress. We can all benefit from a break from the usual urban stresses.
  4. Go barefoot on the beach or grass.
    1. Many people swear by this practice. Some suggest a positive energy transfer from earth to the body, but the research is inconclusive. Conclusively, going barefoot on uneven surfaces like sand forces the muscles of your feet and ankles to work how they are supposed to. Even better, it feels so, so good on your skin.
  5. Soak up some sun.
    1. Getting direct sunshine has many proven health benefits. The most celebrated is the production of vitamin D. Dermatologists are right; too much sun can damage your skin, so make sure it is an appropriate amount for you. Choose the start or end of the day to avoid those intense mid-day rays.
  6. Play in the rain.
    1. When was the last time you did this? For most adults, we can’t remember the pure joy of playing in the rain. Kids love to do it and always have a blast getting wet and dirty. Let your guard down and go have some fun in the rain. The laughs and smiles will be worth the laundry.
  7. Watch the sunrise.
    1. Peace and quiet. We all crave this. There is no better time to get a dose than at sunrise in the summer. It’s also a great way to be mindful, which we all know is beneficial for our mental health.

You now have your checklist. See how many of them you can get checked off before labour day 2022 is in the background.

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Do You Know How To Stay Healthy In The Heat?

Tim Irvine

Most people know the dangers of high heat during the summer months. When temperatures rise to the high 20s and above, our health risks go up. Vulnerable populations like seniors, pregnant women, and those with other underlying health conditions are much more likely to have a serious health concerns due to heat.

Like many health-related issues, there are surprising effects of heat that people are not yet aware of. In a 2021 article, climate and health expert Gregory Wellenius of Boston University described several ‘new’ complications from extreme heat and the more commonly known conditions.


  • Dehydration
  • Heat exhaustion (nausea, lightheadedness, fatigue, etc.)
  • Heat stroke (headache, confusion, lack of sweat, etc.)

Less common

  • Increased mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and mood disorders
  • Decreased kidney function
  • Deceased cognitive function

As you can see, the brain is affected in multiple ways. For those who suffer from mental health conditions, symptoms worsen in heat. For those trying to perform their best in a meeting or on a test, the heat will hurt their performance. Extreme heat is broader than an elderly person in a home that does not have air conditioning.

On the Climate Atlas of Canada webpage, Dr. Kim Perrotta warns that heat “…is actually a real concern for human health that’s affecting a large portion of the country.” And Wellenius indicates that “Even moderately hot days can place vulnerable individuals at higher risk.”

So how do we stay healthy in the heat?

The most simplistic answer is to remain cool when the temperatures soar. That’s easier said than done, so here are some practical tips you can implement.

  1. Drink plenty of water. When it’s hot, we sweat more. This causes accelerated dehydration. Often you don’t even know you are sweating more as it’s not as obvious as having sweat running down your back.
  2. Adjust your outdoor activities to cooler times of the day and do your best to stay in the shade. Sun exposure dramatically increases the effects of heat.
  3. Take air-conditioned breaks when possible. This can be in your home, a public building, or a local cooling centre.
  4. Avoid intense, outdoor physical activity. This can accelerate dehydration and quickly push you into heat exhaustion or worse.
  5. Slow down. In nations close to the equator, there is a reason locals refer to the pace things happen as ‘island time.’ Moving slower will decrease your body’s need to cool itself.

The summer is amazing and what we wait for all winter long. Let’s enjoy it but do so in a way that protects our health and the health of those we love.